6 mistakes to avoid when building a brand identity

When developing your brand identity, it's important to steer clear of certain pitfalls that can hinder your progress. Here are six key mistakes to avoid:

1. Skipping the research phase.

Make sure you don't jump into the design process without conducting some level of research. Take the time to understand your target audience, analyze market trends, and study your competitors. This research will provide valuable insights to create a brand identity that speaks to the right people in the right way.

2. No brand strategy.

Avoid designing a brand identity without a clear strategy, as it can lead to inconsistencies and it WILL lead to a brand with a pretty face and no plan for the future. Your brand identity should align with your brand's values, mission, and market positioning. Without a solid strategy, you may end up with a visually appealing design that fails to capture the essence of your brand.

3. Ignoring flexibility and scalability.

Make sure your brand identity is adaptable and scalable to accommodate various marketing channels and future growth. Steer clear of creating a design that becomes limiting or difficult to modify as your business expands. Make sure your logo, typography, and other elements can be resized and stay relevant.

4. Bad user experience.

Think about the user experience when designing your brand identity. Pay attention to how your visual elements interact with your website, packaging, and other touchpoints. Your design choices should enhance readability, legibility, and usability for your audience. No one wants to browse a site that takes forever to load or hits them with stroke-inducing strobe lights.

Users form an opinion about your website in just 50 milliseconds.🤯

That's 1/20th of a second for their first impression of your brand. So, it's vital to captivate their attention quickly. As they say, "You never get a second chance at a first impression."

In today's information-saturated world, we make rapid decisions about content. We skim and judge whether to engage or move on. Crafting a powerful first impression is crucial in the digital realm.

5. Unoriginal and inconsistent visuals.

Avoid the temptation to copy or imitate other brands' designs, as it can negatively impact your reputation and make it hard to differentiate yourself. Take the time to understand your brand's unique characteristics and translate them into distinctive visual elements. Strive for consistency in your logo, colors, typography, and overall design across different platforms.

6. Failing to seek professional help.

Recognize that designing a brand identity is a complex task that requires expertise. Trying to tackle it alone, especially without sufficient design skills, can result in poor outcomes. Consider work with professional designers or branding agencies who can offer valuable insights and guidance. Especially the ones that are great to work with, like me.

By avoiding the mentioned mistakes and adopting a strategic approach, you can create a brand identity that accurately represents your brand, resonates with your audience, and lays the foundation for long-term success.

Curious about how it’s done? Check out the process here.


Debunking common small business branding myths