Beautiful websites that convert lookers to fans and customers

My 14-Day Website Sprint is exactly that. We build a fully functional, responsive site for your business in JUST 14 DAYS from start to finish.

Picture your ideal clients scrolling through your fresh, easy-to-use site and filling up your calendar.

Are you dreaming of high-end website design that covers all of your brand’s needs? Scheduling appointments? Check. Blog posts? Check. Beautiful photo galleries? Check.

Take the website weight off your shoulders and focus on growing your brand instead.

✓ Have a high-end website that converts 
✓ Save time and hair by not trying to DIY your site
✓ Align your products and services with your target market
✓ Create consistency in your communication and build trust
✓ Feel proud and excited to share your site
✓ Scale your business and your brand effortlessly
✓ Show up with pride
✓ Learn how to make all the edits yourself


14-Day Website Sprint

Create a responsive and beautifully designed website for high-end service providers in just 5 days. 👏

Mockups of responsive website design.

Save Time

Take the guesswork and hours out of it. I have nailed down the website-making process so that you don’t have to spend more time on it than you need to.

Look Professional

If you want to attract high-end clients, your online presence needs to match your high-end brand.

Edit When Needed

At the end of the project, I teach you how to update your site effortlessly, so you can do it on your terms and schedule.


01/ Consult Call

We’ll schedule a 30-min call to chat through what functionality you need on your site and determine if Squarespace is the best platform for you.

02/ Kick off

If we agree we’re a good fit for this project, I’ll send over an invoice for 50% of the project fee and a short and sweet contract.

03/ Gather Materials

I’ll ask you to share all of your brand materials, text, and images with me to get started on building your site.

04/ The Build

Design kicks off and I show you your new homepage. Once approved, we move on to building out all of the other pages.

05/ Refinement

You get to see your new site and share any feedback you have. We tweak and refine and make your site LIVE afterward!

06/ Training

We schedule a 45-min call where I teach you how to use Squarespace and edit the content at your convenience.

The 14-Day Website Sprint is for you, if:

✓ You want a high-end, professional site done for you
✓ You want a strategic, converting site instead of an online business card
✓ You have all of your brand assets in order (logo, color palette, fonts, photos, copy)
✓ You’re crunched for time
✓ You’re ready to step up your brand game

“Zuza is an intuitive designer with outstanding professionalism and communication skills. I would recommend her to any business seeking guidance for building a brand that feels authentic and true.”

- Kellie Swallow, Me Time Sanctuary, Owner

14-Day Website Sprint Investment


(This is one-of-a-kind offer that will propel your business forward fast)


  • Squarespace offers different tiers for different kinds of sites. Their hosting starts at $16/mo. All pricing is available here.

  • We’ll need to have your photos and text ready to go to build out your site. If you don’t have those ready, we’ll need to prioritize them before we start building.

  • You’ll be able to change the content yourself but if there’s anything you’ll need help with, I support my clients’ web needs on an hourly basis, at the rate of $125/hr.

  • It is! I see a huge need among my clients to build websites fast, and because of the state of the economy, I’m opening the door to the 5-Day Website Sprint until May 15! After that, the prices will go back to what they were before (starting at $4,000).

It's your time to build a website that works for you.